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Our Services

Engrais Gazon Vert

1. Spring/Summer Fertilizer

During spring and summer, we use a 100% biological fertilizer. That fertilizer has a high nitrogen level, which increases the development of the strands thus improving the color and the density of your grass. In addition to the nitrogen, the spring and summer fertilizer mix also contains phosphate, potassium and a range of essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and sulfur. It helps accentuate growth for a dense and healthy lawn.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides

Engrais d'automne

2. Fall Fertilizers

The fall fertilizer mixture contains a full range of minerals and trace elements extracted from seaweed and a higher rate of phosphate and potassium. This mixture prepare the roots of the grass for winter.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides

Traitement de vers blancs

3. White worms treatment

Throughout the years, Community Grass Treatment has developed a specialized, efficient and eco-friendly way to fight against the grubs. This type of monitoring treatment with triple action provides an unmatched level of efficiency in the entire North American Market.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides

Insecticide pour les araignées, fourmis, cloportes et perce-oreilles

4. Spiders, ants, earwigs and woodlice’s treatment

Community Grass Treatment uses an antibacterial soap to thoroughly disinfect the foundation of your house, pavements, patios and balconies to prevent the insects from staying there while keeping them from entering your home. In addition, we can add an extremely effective 100% biological diatomaceous earth on selected problematic areas and on each ant nests in your yard.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides
including driveway, patio, balcony, foundation
and around pool

Inhibiteur de mauvaises herbes

5. Weed inhibitor

As part of the complete season, in addition to increasing the density of the grass, leaving little room for the growth of the weeds, we use authorized corn gluten to prevent their development.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides

Insecticide pour punaises de céréale, pyrales des prés ou punaise velues

6. Insecticide for chinch bugs and sod webworms

We use a mixture with a high pyrethrin content. This mixture has an efficiency rate of 100% and we guarantee the results. If the problem persists, we do a second treatment free of charge.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides Guaranteed treatment

Traitement de chaux liquide minérale

7. PH Control

Just like swimming pools where it is essential to control the pH to prevent cloudy water, it remains equally important to control the pH of the soil. A soil that is too acidic produces a higher ratio of insects and weeds with small leaves because many of these unwanted organisms grow in acidity. By amending the soil to obtain a neutral pH; between 6.5 and 7, it is possible to obtain better aesthetic and lasting results for your lawn.

up to 10,000 ft2
lawn, front, back, sides

Foliaire antiparasitaire

8. Anti-parasitic foliar, foliar fertilizer and foliar fungicides

The anti-parasitic foliar are treatments that thoroughly disinfect the trees to prevent insects to hide in them and to make their nests. It is also excellent against any tree disease and it keeps your trees a lot greener and healthier. We do the anti-parasitic foliar on every tree, shrub and hedge on the property.

per 100 ft2
of hedge or per 5 large trees or 10 medium trees or 50 plants or shrubs

Injection d'engrais aux racines

9. Fertilizer's injections to roots

The injections of fertilizer to the roots contains a nitrogen, phosphate and potassium rate that is adapted to each type of the deciduous and coniferous trees while amending their ecological niche. A 3% addition of iron accelerates the greening and growth for an optimum appearance of your shrubs, trees, plants and hedges.

per 100 ft2
of hedge or per 5 large trees or 10 medium trees or 50 plants or shrubs

Foliaire fongicide

10. Foliar Fungicide

A foliar fungicide is made on each shrub, tree, fruit tree and hedge, which prevents or fight against diseases and fungi. The product we use is sulfur based and is applied by spraying it on the trees.

per 100 ft2
of hedge or per 5 large trees or 10 medium trees or 50 plants or shrubs

Aération du sol

11. Soil aeration

For soils with a high clay content, it is necessary to do the aeration every other year in order to avoid a soil compaction that can be harmful in the root development of your grass. The soil aeration is done using commonly called “coring machine” that makes holes of a diameter of 1 inch with a depth of 4 inches and an approximate ratio of 12 holes per ft2. This action results in making the soil less compact and more aerated.

up to 6,000 ft2
, then $10 per additional 1000 ft2

Insecticide maison : pour araignées, fourmis, cloportes et perce-oreilles

12. Complete house treatment to the cornice for spiders, ants, woodlice and earwigs

We use a biological antibacterial soap. This treatment is 100% biological and is excellent to keep the insects off your home. It is made on the entire house, from the soiling to the cornice. It also includes every door, window and garage door frame as well as balconies, paving, patios and balconies of your home.

for single storey house
$120 for 2 storey house and $180 for 3 storey house